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Following the appearance, videos of the exchange spread widely across the Internet with many praising Stewart’s arguments. On October 15th, 2004, Jon Stewart appeared as a guest on the show, where he criticized hosts Paul Begala and Carlson for being “partisan hacks” and “hurting America” with polarized political rhetoric. In 2001, Carlson replaced Mary Matalin as a co-host on the CNN debate program Crossfire. In 2000, Carlson became the co-host of The Spin Room with Bill Press, becoming the youngest anchor ever hired at CNN. Prior to working in television, Carlson began his career as a journalist at the national conservative journal Policy Review, later being hired to editorial staff at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and The Weekly Standard. Tucker Carlson is an American political commentator, co-founder of the conservative website The Daily Caller and host of the Fox News current affairs program Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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